Conservation of Energy and Applications to the Human Body (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Exam problemEnergy Conservation in the Body - how does our body convert energy? A student centered, active-learning study of energy conservation.
Chemical Energy Conversion, Chemical Energy Storage, Cellular Mechanics, Metabolic Pathways
Work, Non-Conservative Forces, Conservation of Energy, Mechanical Power
Circular and Rotational Motion Applied to the Human Body TEXT (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Lecture materials, Video, Pre-class assignment, In-class activity, Student readingHelp your students "process" with this Active Learning Biomedically Relevant Physics TEXT on Circular & Rotational Motion in the Human Body
Pressure & Fluid Diagnostics, Locomotion and Gait, Biomechanics of Daily Activities
Position & Displacement, Center of Mass, Central Forces, Inertia in Motion, Force & Acceleration, Interacting Objects, Action/Reaction, Center of Gravity
1-D Motion in the Human Body - Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Student reading, Lecture materials, Exam problemEngage your students in this first chapter of an active learning, fully ADAPTABLE, biomedically relevant introductory physics curriculum.
Biomechanical, Physical Therapy, Exercise Science, Locomotion and Gait, Kinesiology, Exercise Biomechanics, Biomechanics of Daily Activities
Position & Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Gravitational Acceleration, Moving Reference Frames
Forces Acting in the Human Body Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Student reading, Demonstration, Clicker question, Exam problemEngage your pre-health students with forces and applications of Newton's Laws as they pertain to the body!
Biomechanical, Dentistry and Orthodontia, Physical Therapy, Exercise Science, Assistive Devices, Healthy Musculoskeletal Function, Musculoskeletal Injury/Disorders, Locomotion and Gait, Kinesiology, Exercise Biomechanics, Biomechanics of Daily Activities, Injury and Injury Prevention
Measuring Inertia, Inertia at Rest, Inertia in Motion, Force & Acceleration, Interacting Objects, Action/Reaction, Recoil, Center of Gravity, Equilibrium, Resolution of Forces, Friction, Pressure, Universal Gravitation
Ultrasound Imaging
Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, HomeworkThis curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to explore how sound waves can be used in noninvasive diagnostic imaging.
Cross-cutting Biological Concepts, Ultrasound & Doppler
Transverse Pulses and Waves, Longitudinal Pulses and Waves, Impedance and Dispersion, Wave Properties of Sound, Reflection and Refraction (Sound), Reflection, Refraction, Transmission, Transfer of Energy in Waves, Doppler Effect, Pitch, Intensity and Attenuation, Architectural Acoustics, Wave Analysis and Synthesis
Pulse Oximetry Lab
Lab, Instructor supplement, Project, Exam problemThis lab allows students to explore spectrophotometers and the functioning of pulse oximeters.
Cross-cutting Biological Concepts, Physical Exam, Cardiovascular Disorders, Healthy Cardiovascular Function, Respiratory Disorders, Other Body Fluids
Refractive Index, Optical Instruments, Synthesis and Analysis of Color, Scattering
Justin Dunlap
Ellynne Kutschera
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