Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences

Physics Topics

Life Sciences Topics

Resource Types

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Pulse Oximetry

Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

This curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to explore how light is used to determine blood oxygen saturation.

Healthy Cardiovascular Function, Optical Imaging

Refractive Index, Total Internal Reflection, Optical Instruments, Diffraction Through One Slit, Interference From Two Sources, Gratings, Photons, Lasers

+ 1

Ellynne Kutschera

Ralf Widenhorn

+ 1 more

Body Composition Measurement

Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

This curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to explore the physics concepts behind body composition analysis.

Radiographic Imaging, Nuclear Imaging, Optical Imaging, Electrical Diagnostics, Pressure & Fluid Diagnostics, Physical Exam, Biotribology, Metabolism

Applications of Newton's Laws, AC Circuits, Statics of Fluids, Archimedes' Principle, Density and Buoyancy, Isothermal Processes, Adiabatic Processes, Photons, Impedance, RLC Circuits - AC

+ 1

Ellynne Kutschera

Priya Jamkhedkar

+ 1 more


Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

Curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to explore how optics are used in endoscopy to observe interior cavities of the body.

Optical Imaging, Surgery

Medical Physics, Resonance, Simple Harmonic Motion, Driven Mechanical Resonance, Transverse Pulses and Waves, Standing Waves, Reflection, Refraction, Transmission, Transfer of Energy in Waves, Straight Line Propagation, Reflection - Flat Surfaces, Reflection - Curved Surfaces, Refractive Index, Refraction - Flat Surfaces, Total Internal Reflection, Rainbow, Thin Lens, Blackbodies, Dispersion

+ 1

Ellynne Kutschera

Priya Jamkhedkar

+ 1 more

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

This curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions covering the use of radioactive compounds for imaging the human body.

Biomedical Imaging, Nuclear Imaging, Radiographic Imaging

Modern Physics, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles, Medical Physics, Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions, Particle Detectors

Priya Jamkhedkar

Ralf Widenhorn


Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

This curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to describe optics and how lasers are used in the surgical procedure, LASIK.

Optical Imaging, Surgery, Light Therapy, Optometry, Animal Adaptations, Vision Impairments

Reflection - Curved Surfaces, Refractive Index, Thin Lens, Synthesis and Analysis of Color, Lasers

+ 1

Ellynne Kutschera

Priya Jamkhedkar

+ 1 more


Student reading, Instructor supplement, Video, Pre-class assignment, Restricted access, Homework

Curriculum uses videos, text, and assessment questions to explain how optics are used in basic microscopy and improve diagnostic imaging.

Optical Imaging

Optics, Geometrical Optics, Diffraction, Polarization, Modern Optics, Reflection - Flat Surfaces, Reflection - Curved Surfaces, Refractive Index, Thin Lens, Thick Lens, Optical Instruments, Diffraction Around Objects, Physical Optics

+ 1

Ellynne Kutschera

Priya Jamkhedkar

+ 1 more

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