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Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences

Physics Topics

Life Sciences Topics

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9 Contributions

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Living Physics Portal Team


Nancy Donaldson

Pedagogical Methods Used

Peer Instruction / Think-Pair-Share, Collaborative problem-solving, Conceptually-oriented activities, Context-rich problems, Project-based learning, Guided inquiry, SCALE-UP / studio / workshop physics, Modeling Instruction, Mathematically-focused activities, Experimentally-focused activities

Life Sciences Focus

Physics of Medicine Curriculum Development for pre-med and pre-health students: Physics of the Respiratory System, Physics of the Cardiovascular System, Fiber Optics in Medicine, and Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences

Education Research and Pedagogy Expertise

Introductory and Intermediate Physics of Medicine Active Learning Curriculum Development

Describe the courses that you teach for life sciences students

Our university has developed a Physics of Medicine Major designed to deepen students physics understanding as related to medicine and healthcare. Our courses are conducted in a studio format with hands-on, active learning curriculum. Core Major courses include Physics of the Body I and II, Physics of Medical Imaging, Optics in Medicine and Statistics for the Health Sciences. Prior to entering the Physics of Medicine Major, students complete one year of Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences.

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Conservation of Energy and Applications to the Human Body (BMP)

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Exam problem

Energy Conservation in the Body - how does our body convert energy? A student centered, active-learning study of energy conservation.

Chemical Energy Conversion, Chemical Energy Storage, Cellular Mechanics, Metabolic Pathways

Work, Non-Conservative Forces, Conservation of Energy, Mechanical Power

+ 1

Nancy Donaldson

Mayuri Gilhooly

+ 1 more


Biomechanics - Torques, Stability and Mechanical Advantage in the Human Body

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Demonstration, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Exam problem, Student reading

Engage your pre-health students by relating concepts of Torque and Static Equilibrium to the Human Body! Read INTRODUCTION first!

Healthy Musculoskeletal Function, Kinesiology, Exercise Biomechanics, Biomechanics of Daily Activities, Vestibular

Center of Mass, Center of Gravity, Equilibrium, Resolution of Forces, Static Torque

Nancy Donaldson

Circular and Rotational Motion Applied to the Human Body TEXT (BMP)

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Lecture materials, Video, Pre-class assignment, In-class activity, Student reading

Help your students "process" with this Active Learning Biomedically Relevant Physics TEXT on Circular & Rotational Motion in the Human Body

Pressure & Fluid Diagnostics, Locomotion and Gait, Biomechanics of Daily Activities

Position & Displacement, Center of Mass, Central Forces, Inertia in Motion, Force & Acceleration, Interacting Objects, Action/Reaction, Center of Gravity

+ 2

Nancy Donaldson

Mayuri Gilhooly

+ 2 more

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