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Physics of the Respiratory System - Six Section Module
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingFluid Mechanics of the Lung: A student-centered module on the Physics of the Respiratory System
Healthy Respiratory Function, Physical Mechanisms, Structure/Function Relationships, Respiratory Disorders, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Medical Applications
Pressure, Static Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure, Measuring Pressure, Flow Rate, Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
Read this resource first! It is a complete outline of the module and includes tips for adaptation.
Healthy Respiratory Function, Respiratory Disorders, Medical Applications, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Physical Mechanisms, Structure/Function Relationships
Pressure, Static Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure, Measuring Pressure, Flow Rate, Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
Mechanics of Breathing - Section 1 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingHow does air enter your lungs? A hands-on investigation of pressure differences guiding fluid flow.
Healthy Respiratory Function, Medical Applications, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Structure/Function Relationships, Elasticity
Dynamics of Fluids, Resolution of Forces, Static Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure, Measuring Pressure
Pressure-Volume Relationships in the Lung - Section 2 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingUsing a spirometer to investigate Lung Capacity, Compliance and Respiratory Pressure-Volume Graphs
Healthy Respiratory Function, Medical Applications, Structure/Function Relationships, Elasticity, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms
Statics of Fluids, Dynamics of Fluids, Pressure
Pneumothorax - Injury - Section 3 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingInvestigating the Physics of a Pneumothorax: A patient who has been injured has trouble breathing
Healthy Respiratory Function, Respiratory Disorders, Structure/Function Relationships, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Medical Applications
Dynamics of Fluids, Pressure, Static Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure, Measuring Pressure
Obstructive Lung Disease - Section 4 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingAsthma, COPD, Bronchitis - Investigating diseases of upper respiratory system and Poiseuille's Law
Healthy Respiratory Function, Respiratory Disorders, Elasticity, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Medical Applications
Pressure, Work, Non-Conservative Forces, Conservation of Energy, Measuring Pressure, Flow Rate
Physics of Alveoli - Section 5 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingPhysics of the Alveoli, Law of Laplace and Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Healthy Respiratory Function, Respiratory Disorders, Surface Area/volume, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms, Medical Applications
Pressure, Force of Surface Tension, Measuring Pressure, Flow Rate, Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
Disease in the Lung - Emphysema - Section 6 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Homework, Exam problem, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Pre-class assignment, Student readingEmphysema and Compliance - why is it difficult for these patients to exhale air out of the lungs?
Healthy Respiratory Function, Respiratory Disorders, Elasticity, Physical Mechanisms, Biologically Mediated Mechanisms
Statics of Fluids, Dynamics of Fluids, Pressure, Work
Building and Parts Information for Lung Model and Alveoli Apparatus
Instructor supplement, Restricted accessFiber Optics in Medicine - Six Section Module
Instructor supplement, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingHow can you see inside the body? Investigate through a student-centered optics module on endoscopy.
Visual, Optical Imaging
Refractive Index, Refraction - Flat Surfaces, Total Internal Reflection, Thin Lens, Optical Instruments, Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics in Medicine Module - Instructor Preface Section 0
Instructor supplementTotal Internal Reflection in Fiber Optics - Section 1 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingAcceptance Angle & Numerical Aperture - Fiber Optics in Medicine - Sec. 2 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingCoupling Light Into a Fiber- Fiber Optics in Medicine - Section 3 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingBending and Attenuation - Fiber Optics in Medicine - Section 4 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingDistal End of the Fiber - Fiber Optics in Medicine - Section 5 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Video, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingViewing - Fiber Optics in Medicine - Section 6 of 6
In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student readingLiving Physics Portal
Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences
©2025 American Association of Physics Teachers
Funded by the National Science Foundation
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