Living Physics Portal CourseSource Writing working group
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Have you developed new research-based teaching activities and/or lessons for physics for life science students? Are you interested in working with a group of peers to contribute your lesson to the Living Physics Portal Vetted Library and and prepare your Lesson manuscript for submission to the journal CourseSource? The Living Physics Portal is partnering with CourseSource to offer a semester-long working group! Apply now to join us for the Spring 2025 Living Physics Portal CourseSource Writing working group.
1-D Motion in the Human Body - Biomedically Relevant Introductory Physics (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Student reading, Lecture materials, Exam problemEngage your students in this first chapter of an active learning, fully ADAPTABLE, biomedically relevant introductory physics curriculum.
Biomechanical, Physical Therapy, Exercise Science, Locomotion and Gait, Kinesiology, Exercise Biomechanics, Biomechanics of Daily Activities
Position & Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Gravitational Acceleration, Moving Reference Frames
Circular and Rotational Motion Applied to the Human Body TEXT (BMP)
Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Lecture materials, Video, Pre-class assignment, In-class activity, Student readingHelp your students "process" with this Active Learning Biomedically Relevant Physics TEXT on Circular & Rotational Motion in the Human Body
Pressure & Fluid Diagnostics, Locomotion and Gait, Biomechanics of Daily Activities
Position & Displacement, Center of Mass, Central Forces, Inertia in Motion, Force & Acceleration, Interacting Objects, Action/Reaction, Center of Gravity
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