Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences

Physics Topics

Life Sciences Topics

Resource Types

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Using math in physics - Telling the story

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Student reading, Homework, In-class activity, Exam problem

a set of problems to help students learn to think about mechanism and create a coherent story as part of solving a complex problem

Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cardiovascular System, Neurophysiology

Classical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermo & Stat Mech, Optics, Electric Fields and Potential, DC Circuits

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics


Using math in physics - Anchor equations

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Student reading, Homework, In-class activity

A few fundamental equations can help organize large blocks of conceptual knowledge and serve as starting points for problem solving

Medical Applications, Human and Animal Physiology, Biomechanics

Classical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermo & Stat Mech, Electricity & Magnetism, Optics

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics


Using math in physics - Functional dependence

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Homework, Student reading, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Exam problem

An introduction to functional dependence with readings, problems, and examples throughout the curriculum

Evolution, Physical Mechanisms, Intracellular Components, Cellular Structure, Surface Area/volume, Synapse Structure/Function, Signaling Molecules, Medical Applications, Cardiovascular System

Electrostatics, Color, Oscillations, Force of Surface Tension, Capillary Action, Flow Rate, Hagen-Poiseuille Equation, Viscosity, Transverse Pulses and Waves, Wave Packets, Diffusion, Coulomb's Law, Electric Field, Thin Lens, Equation of Continuity

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics


Using math in physics - Toy models

Instructor supplement, Restricted access, Student reading, Homework, In-class activity

A set of readings and problems on the use of simplified (toy) models in physics.

Evolution, Causal Mechanisms, The Cell, Matter/energy Transfer & Transforms, Neural Info: Processing & Transport

Classical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermo & Stat Mech, Electricity & Magnetism, Optics

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics


Using math in physics - Estimation

Instructor supplement, Pedagogical essay, Student reading, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Lecture materials, In-class activity, Restricted access

An introduction to estimation with estimation problems for homework and exams throughout the course.

Human and Animal Physiology, Biomechanics, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Classical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermo & Stat Mech, Electricity & Magnetism, Optics, Diffusion

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics


Using math in physics - Dimensional analysis

Remote Learning, Instructor supplement, Student reading, Lecture materials, Clicker question, In-class activity, Homework, Restricted access, Exam problem

An introduction to dimensional analysis with readings, problems, and examples throughout the curriculum. Problems available in Expert TA.

Molecular and Cellular Biology

Classical Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, Thermo & Stat Mech, Electricity & Magnetism

Edward Redish

NEXUS Physics

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