Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences

Physics Topics

Life Sciences Topics

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ImageJ Instructions
Part 1 of 2
Highlights: Instructions for using ImageJ, a video capture program.
Abstract: ImageJ is the professional product developed by NIH for capture and extraction of video data in biology research. We use a simplified version appropriate for instruction. This product is sometimes used in biology classes and is often used in biology research.
Resource Types: Student reading, Instructor supplement


Physics Topics: 
Life Sciences Topics: 
Math Topics: 

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ImageJ Instructions

ImageJ 1. Download instructions.pdf

ImageJ 2. Quick Reference Sheet.pdf

ImageJ 3. Introduction.pdf

ImageJ 4. Technical introduction.pdf

ImageJ 5. Technical Introduction to Video Capture.pdf

ImageJ 6. Introduction to Autotracking.pdf



Equipment required:  Computers / software; Standard physics equipment; Standard life sciences equipment; Specialized life sciences equipment

Specific equipment needed:  For the laboratories: Microscopes, image capture software, spreadsheet, micron beads,... For some in-class activities: access to web-based simulations.

Basic implementation tips & tricks:  See the documents.

How does this resource fit into the flow of your course?  N/A


Pedagogical approach:  Peer Instruction / Think-Pair-Share; Collaborative problem-solving; Conceptually-oriented activities; Context-rich problems; Ranking tasks; Modeling Instruction; Mathematically-focused activities; Experimentally-focused activities; Tutorials

Skills / Competencies:  Dimensional analysis; Estimation; Intuition building; Building models; Evaluating models; Interdisciplinarity

What insights or realizations do you hope students gain from this resource?  Working with video data can help students learn to make the connection between "what's happening" - a mental picture of the physical mechanism - with the various abstract representations used in physics: tables of numbers, graphs, and equations.

Why is this resource useful to life sciences students?  Using video data helps students build a mental picture of what's happening physically. In addition, this product is often used in biology research. Students moving on to internships sometimes find having a start on ImageJ very helpful.


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Copyright:   2019 Edward Redish

License:   CC: BY-NC-SA - Attribution, No Commercial uses and Share Alike. Derivative works must have the same license

Last Edit Date:  January 25, 2019

Vetted Library Publication Date:  December 4, 2018

Submission Date:  December 4, 2018

Version 2, January 25, 2019

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