Resources and community for teaching physics for life sciences

Physics Topics

Life Sciences Topics

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Introduction to the Electrocardiogram

Student reading, Instructor supplement, Clicker question, Lecture materials, Lab, Homework

Students measure an ECG and work out the corresponding moving electric dipole moment of the heart

Electrical Diagnostics, Healthy Cardiovascular Function, Cardiovascular Disorders

Multipoles, Electric Field, Electrostatic Potential and Potential Energy

+ 1

Catherine Crouch

Ben Geller

+ 1 more

Fluid dynamics with applications to cardiology

Homework, Instructor supplement, In-class activity, Clicker question, Lecture materials, Pre-class assignment

Fluid dynamics in the context of normal and diseased physiology in the human cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular Disorders, Healthy Cardiovascular Function

Flow Rate, Bernoulli's Principle, Hagen-Poiseuille Equation, Viscosity

+ 1

Catherine Crouch

Ben Geller

+ 1 more


Random Motion Module

Lab, Homework, Instructor supplement, Restricted access, In-class activity, Clicker question, Lecture materials

a module introducing random walks following 1D kinematics as the mechanism of gradient-driven flow

Physical Mechanisms, Material Flow, Cross-membrane Transport

Kinetic Theory, Mean Free Path, Mean Collision Time, Viscosity, Diffusion, Brownian Motion

Catherine Crouch

Ben Geller


Fluid Statics with Applications to Cardiology and Respiration

Clicker question, Lecture materials, Homework, Instructor supplement, Pre-class assignment, In-class activity

Fluid statics in living systems: blood pressure, lung inflation, and organismal buoyancy.

Healthy Cardiovascular Function, Healthy Respiratory Function

Static Pressure, Density and Buoyancy

Ben Geller

Catherine Crouch

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